‘Pregnancy should be by choice & not by chance ‘. It is a beautiful journey in a couple’s life. The couple should be prepared mentally & physically to welcome the unborn child, because the physical, mental and emotional health of parents is directly responsible for the health of a child in the womb. In addition, the surrounding environment, food, activities, exercise, thoughts in fact everything the mother is exposed to during the pregnancy directly affects the child in the womb. Continue reading →
At Ayurveda Kenya health and wellness Center, we believe that health is not merely the absence of disease, but has its true foundation in care and attention to the body, mind, emotion and spirit. When we pay attention to what our bodies are trying to tell us, we feel better, and in feeling better, we discover untapped energy that guides us to make new and better choices to improve the quality of our lives. Continue reading →
Rejuvenation Therapy at Ayurvedic Services Centre.
Sinusitis Therapy at Ayurvedic Services Centre.
Sleep disorder Therapy at Ayurvedic Services Centre.
Udvartana for weight loss and exfoliation of dead skin
Kati basti for lower spine problems
Hridaya basti for heart problems
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Sinusitis is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which are present in and around the face. Inflammation may be due to infection, allergy or autoimmune issues. Most cases are due to a viral infection and resolve over the course of 10 days. It is a common condition with more than 24 million cases occurring in the United States annually. Continue reading →
Ayurveda has very detailed description about Rheumatoid arthritis (Ama vata). It has been described as: if the disease “Ama vata” (rheumatoid arthritis) becomes chronic the joints of hands, feet, ankles and elbow, low back, knee, and hip become inflamed and painful. The pain in affected joints resembles the pain of a scorpion’s sting. Continue reading →